A lot has happened in my life since January 1 2011. We are mid-way through the year already and I feel as if I am in a runaway car going at break neck speed.
The gallery has certainly been a hub of activity. We are on our third solo exhibition. Our opening exhibition for 2011 was a fantastic feast of South African masters, George Pemba, Gerard Sekoto, Dumile Feni, Ezrom Legae, Ephraim Ngatane, Lucas Sithole and Sydney Kumalo. Following the masters was artist Sharlene Khan with the final works in her Xenophobia series marking 11 years of detailed research into the lives of immigrants from around Africa. Our next show was a solo exhibition by MOMO artist-in-residence Vitshois Bondo inspired by the political situation in Congo. Currently, we have a solo exhibition by American artist Gary Stephens entitled BRAID. A strong body of work rendered in a 3-dimensional style using strings to give an optical illusion of depth.
We also have two artists in our stable, Mary Sibande and Lyndi Sales exhibiting at the 54th Venice Biennale. That has certainly been a high point for the gallery in this first part of year 2011. The works they produced for the Biennale attests to the impressive talent of these two women. I personally look forward to watching them continue to make giant strides in the future. They are phenomenally talented!!
In the second part of the year we have some more exciting solo exhibitions from Guy Wouete, our second artist-in-residence, Andrew Tshabangu, Ayana Vellissia Jackson and Patricia Driscoll.
We will also be exhibiting a selection of all our solo shows including the works of Lyndi Sales and Mary Sibande from the Venice Biennale. It's going to be a fantastic end to a very fruitful year!!
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