Sunday, April 15, 2007

Reflections on the past week

I applied to the WOW programme with no particular understanding of the pros and cons. I thought it would benefit me in some way, and if it did not....... well, at least I would learn new things. Between Wednesday and Friday, I have learnt so much. I appreciate the time and thought that our programme coordinators (Lesley Emmanuel and Jean Power) have put into the content of this course. We had some really inspiring speakers last week, such as Gordon Freer from Insight Strategies who spoke about what he looked for in an intern. His talk was a straightforward presentation of his expectations, as an employer taking on an intern. He gave the class 3 interesting questions to reflect on and come up with answers. One of the questions was; ''should the intern make coffee?''. The second, ''when should the intern be invisible?'' and the third; ''should the intern go to every meeting?'' We were divided into 3 groups to deliberate on these questions. What do you think? I would be interested in your views and comments.
''I want someone with their feet on the ground, not with their head in the clouds'' - Gordon Freer.
Roy Blumenthal and Elspeth Kempe introduced us to the world of blogging. I must confess that I am one of those individuals that use the internet for sending and receiving emails mostly. Roy made blogging sound quite exciting. I was particularly interested in how blogging could be used as a resource for the WOW group. Elspeth advised us to write, write, write!! Practice makes perfect and reduces spelling mistakes. I musn't forget that 'perfect is the enemy of good', according to Mr. Blumenthal. Which is great advise for the work place, there is no time to do every task perfectly. One must learn to prioritise and carry out each task capably. Dan Sonenberg's talk was on how to approach interviews and work place ethics. The importance of projecting a positive attitude and image.

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