Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Another busy week bites the dust....

Hello everyone, I just seem to be getting twenty times busier each week. Last week I wanted to share some of the highlights and low points of my week. Last Thursday (in science class) we had group presentations on science papers (great fun!) from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working groups.
My group (of 4 females) had the dubious pleasure of working on Adaptation looking at adaptive capacity, opportunities and constraints. Here's a definition of Adaptive Capacity - the ability or potential of a system to respond successfully to climate variability and change. It was a very interesting topic but each group had 20 minutes only!!
I tried to remember all the things that Des Patel taught us during the WOW training session on presentation skills. In the end I just wasn't as well prepared as I would have liked to be. Also as a team, my group did not really communicate (hi Susan A!!).
However, the presentation wasn't too bad, I even got to illustrate one of the key issues raised around the fact that there was uneven distribution of resources amongst countries to cope with climate change and the cost of building adaptive capacity. My example came from India and I used a really cool map to show areas with high vulnerability. We had a nicely put together powerpoint as well.
This week has been terribly stressful as I sprint towards the finish line with regards to my MA research report. I certainly don't want to pay R14, 000 in international fees!!
Wish me luck.


Susan Arthur said...

Hey, don't worry - life in the working world is all about being able to do things in a limited amount of time, and working in teams... still working on my own time management skills!

Ijeoma Uche-Okeke said...

Hi there Susan A., sorry haven't had time to read anyone's blogs,I'll definitely try to get to yours over the weekend if I can. Thank you for your comments as always.